The module allows the creation of additional tabs on the crowdsourcing public page of the project in Crowdin Enterprise. To work with it, ensure that your project meets the following requirements:
You can grant access to this module to one of the following user categories:
For Crowdin:
For Crowdin Enterprise:
"project-menu-crowdsource": [
"key": "your-module-key",
"name": "Module name",
"url": "/crowdsource-page"
nøgle | Type: Required: yes Beskrivelse: Modul-identifikator i Crowdin-appen. |
navn | Type: Required: yes Beskrivelse: Modulnavn i simpel tekst. |
url | Type: Required: yes Beskrivelse: Den relative URL til indholdssiden for modulet, der integreres i Enterprise-UI'en. |